Fabrizio Nieri
Associate Professor
- SSD: MAT/07 - mathematical physics
- ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8934-8836

- Department of Mathematics "Giuseppe Peano"
- Dipartimento di Matematica "Giuseppe Peano"
- Corso di laurea in Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- Corso di laurea in matematica
- Laurea magistrale in Matematica
Research products
All my research productsCourses
- Introduzione alla Fisica Matematica (MFN0353)
Corso di laurea in matematica - MATEMATICA I - Corso A (cognomi A-K) (MFN1669)
Corso di laurea in Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche - MATEMATICA I - Corso B (cognomi L-Z) (MFN1669)
Corso di laurea in Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
Research topics
My broad research interests lie at the interface between the physics and mathematics of Quantum Field Theory and String Theory. Especially, I apply modern investigation methods such as localization to obtain exact results in supersymmetric gauge theories. This approach has not only triggered the discovery of remarkable non-perturbative dualities among completely different theories (with or without supersymmetry) in diverse space-time dimensions and gravitational backgrounds, but it has also provided precise tests of holography and unveiled far-reaching connections with integrable systems, quantum algebras, special functions of mathematical physics and more.
Research groups
Academic bodies