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The CD-ROM of the Department

With the aim of broadening the knowledge of Mathematics and the History of Science the Department presents a series of CD-ROMs, prepared by its professors, readers, lecturers, PhDs and undergraduates.

They cover a profusion of topics and material: from hypertexts on the work of distinguished Forefathers who taught at our University to the collection of didactical manuscripts, letters, papers and journals in the Special Library of Mathematics "G.Peano", from catalogues of exhibitions and workshop proceedings to didactical presentations for the broad audience, and so on.

For general enquiries please contact the Head of Department, for informations on single items write to the relevant editors.The back of the CD box acknowledges promoters and sources of financial support, the ISBN number and Copyright information.

The Department of Mathematics of the University of Turin holds legal copyright and severely prohibits any form of reproduction, lending, rental, resale or distribution of these products.

A few copies are available for consultation in the Special Library of Mathematics ‘G.Peano’. 


List of CD-ROM Available

1 immagini/cd/segres.jpg I QUADERNI DI CORRADO SEGRE (a cura di Livia Giacardi), Torino 2002 ISBN 88 - 900876-0-9 50 Euro
2 immagini/cd/archivio_x_webs.jpg L'ARCHIVIO GIUSEPPE PEANO (a cura di Clara Silvia Roero, Natalia Nervo, Tiziana Armano), Torino 2002 ISBN 88 - 900876-1-7 30 Euro
2b immagini/cd/archivios08.jpg L'ARCHIVIO GIUSEPPE PEANO (with English Version) (a cura di Clara Silvia Roero, Natalia Nervo, Tiziana Armano), Torino 2008 ISBN 978-889-05842-1-3 35 euro
3 immagini/cd/opera_x_webs.jpg L'OPERA OMNIA DI GIUSEPPE PEANO (a cura di Clara Silvia Roero), Torino 2002 ISBN 88-900876-2-5

50 Euro


 3b immagini/cd/opera08s.jpg L'OPERA OMNIA E I MARGINALIA DI GIUSEPPE PEANO (with English Version) (a cura di Clara Silvia Roero), Torino 2008 ISBN 978-88-905842-3-7 60 Euro
 4 immagini/cd/rivistes.jpg LE RIVISTE DI GIUSEPPE PEANO (a cura di Clara Silvia Roero) Torino 2003 ISBN 88-900876-7-6 30 Euro
4B immagini/cd/riviste08s.jpg LE RIVISTE DI GIUSEPPE PEANO (with English Version) (a cura di Clara Silvia Roero), Torino 2008 ISBN 978-88-905842-5-1 35 Euro
5 immagini/cd/faas.jpg

L'OPERA MATEMATICA DI FRANCESCO FAÀ DI BRUNO (with English version, The Mathematical Works of Francesco Faà di Bruno )

(a cura di Livia Giacardi), Torino 2005 ISBN 88 - 900876-2-5

30 Euro
6 immagini/cd/cd6s.jpg MATEMATICA COME PANE E COME GIOCO NELLA SCUOLA DI PEANO, Dipartimento di Matematica G. Peano, Universita', 2008 ISBN 978-88-905842-4-4 5 Euro
Last update: 22/03/2021 17:01
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