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Lauree Scientifiche Project


The “Lauree Scientifiche” Project (Scientific Degrees Project - PLS) was born in 2004 from the collaboration of the Ministry of Education, the National Conference of Headmasters of Science and Technology (Con.Scienze) and Confindustria, with the aim of increase the number of students enrolled in Scientific Departments (Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Material’s Science). The Project registered a huge success, so the Ministry of education decided to reintroduce the PLS in 2009, with the new name of “Piano nazionale Lauree Scientifiche” (National plan for Scientific Degrees). The two aims of the PLS were on one side the student orientation related to the choice of the University, and on the other side the professional development of the teachers.

The PLS laboratories are related with the student orientation for the choice of the university, and involve the student in practical activities facing real problems, themes, concepts and ideas proper of the Mathematics. The professional development of the teacher involves them in a dynamic process, facing real problems and situations, exchanging ideas, best practices, methodologies with other teachers and with researchers in education.

The referent for the area of mathematics of PLS in Piedmont in Professor Ornella Robutti. In year 2013-2014 there are 8 laboratories offered for the professional development of teachers, involving them in 18-hours activities (6 of lessons face to face, 6 of work and learning through the platform, and 6 of experimentation in class) and 2 for the students (mathematical challenges and laboratory about space geometry for the best students).

Last update: 21/09/2018 23:31
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