DI.FI.MA. on line
The DiFiMa Platform was created, as a regional project, in 2008 with the collaboration of the department of Science, Physics and Mathematics (University of Turin) and the Province of Turin. Nowadays it has reached a national relevance and has about 1700 members, which are teachers of all school degrees, university professors, researchers and university students interested in Mathematics and Physics education.
DiFiMa platform is a web site created in order to collect materials and best practices involving the teaching-learning process (DIdactics of MAthematics and PHYsics). It contains materials for long-life learning according to the research and practice fronts shared at national level by the community of researches in Mathematics and Physics Education:
- The idea of the laboratory, not only as a real space of the school or the class equipped with instruments, but as didactical practice which aim is the perceptual-motor learning process viewed as a new education methodology.
- The Lisbon directives related to long-life learning: the learning of teachers is a permanent activity for the professional development, that occurs not only every two years with the DiFiMa Conference, but also between two editions through the DiFiMa Platform and seminars organized on site.
- The National Curriculum for Mathematics and Physics Education.
- The curricular suggestions made by UMI (Union of Italian Mathematicians) and AIF (Association for the Teaching of Physics) and by other disciplinary associations which are based on a laboratorial methodology.
- The suggestion due to OCSE-PISA and INVALSI surveys for the improvement of scientific and mathematical literacy of the students.
- The cultural development of Italian teachers in an European context, related to innovation in education, which aim is to integrate the content-based education with the competence-based education.
- The effect of these actions on the students involved in the learning-teaching process and the discussion about the themes related to the DiFiMa Conference.